Recipe from the Gemüsebox with postelein & blue carrot

Your weekly recipe with postelein & blue carrots

Postelein – what? Postelein will also be known to many as winter purslane. The wild form of this succulent herb comes from the Near East and has spread widely thanks to its robustness. Even the ancient Egyptians appreciated purslane for its valuable ingredients as a vegetable and also as a medicinal plant. In the Middle Ages purslane was as often as possible on the domestic menu as a welcome change during the barren winter months.
Despite its delicate appearance, the tender winter green is tough. Even frosty temperatures do not affect the Postelein. This makes it a seasonal superfood in winter. The high content of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids brings variety to the table even during the cold season.
Postelein is not only delicious as a salad, you can also blanch it like spinach or use it as an ingredient for a soup.
Postelein is also a welcome change on bread and as a sandwich, which you can now get regionally & seasonally.
In our recipe from the Vegetable Box, a blue carrot carpaccio forms the base for the fine postelein salad.

Postelein (Winter Purslane):

  • High content of vitamin C, positive influence on important metabolic processes.
  • Low content of nitrates in contrast to many salads that you get in winter
  • Minerals calcium, magnesium and iron
  • Can help with heartburn & stomach inflammation thanks to its anti-inflammatory & antibacterial effects
  • Good against spring fatigue and simply a welcome change from cabbage & co.

Download the recipe here

All the ingredients you need for this week’s recipe are available at StadtFarm. Whether in the Gemüsebox subscription, in our farm store in Berlin Herzberge or on our market days in Rummelsburg. There you´ll find fresh organic vegetables and fruit, our own fish products from sustainable AquaTerraPonik© and many delicious products from our partners from Berlin and Brandenburg.

Get your veggie box subscription here: Gemüsebox Abo

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