Recipe of the week from the vegetable box with pumpkin and white cabbage

Recipe of the week from the vegetable box: Oven stew with pumpkin and white cabbage

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  • Promotes digestion and detoxifies the intestines
  • Supplies the body with vitamin A – important for eyes and skin as well as for bones and teeth
  • Strengthens the protective cover of the nerves and has a calming effect
  • Lowers the blood fat level, relieves the pancreas
  • Strengthens the immune system

White cabbage:

  • Revitalizes nerves and brain, improves mood
  • Calms the nerves and makes you more resistant to stress
  • Ensures vitality and performance
  • Ensures vitality and performance
  • For better sleep and relaxation
  • Contains many B-vitamins

Ingredients for 2 persons:
350 g pumpkin
250 g white cabbage
1/2 stick leek
15 g butter or margarine
25 g (coarse) mustard
150 ml whipped cream or soy cream

1 tablespoon caraway seeds
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil

3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons of water


  • Clean white cabbage, remove outer leaves. Cut cabbage crosswise into 1.5 cm thick slices, leaving the slices as whole as possible. Clean the pumpkin and remove the seeds with a spoon. Cut pumpkin crosswise into 10-12 slices. Cut leek into fine strips.
  • Roast caraway seeds in a coated pan without fat until they smell nice. Roast pumpkin seeds in the same pan until they crack and are slightly roasted, then press them lightly in a mortar.
  • Peel potatoes and cut or slice them finely.
  • Melt butter or margarine in an ovenproof (!) pot. Sauté the leeks for 3-4 minutes at medium heat. Stir in caraway and mustard.
  • Add cream or soy cream and 350 ml water and bring to the boil once, season with salt and pepper.
  • Put pumpkin and white cabbage in layers in the pot, season with salt and pepper. Place potato slices close together on the vegetables, season with salt.
  • Cover the stew and cook in the oven at 200 degrees (gas 3, convection oven 45-50 minutes at 180 degrees) on the 2nd rack from below for 55 minutes.
  • Serve stew sprinkled with some pumpkin seeds. Serve with the rest of the pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil. Bon appetite!

All ingredients you need for the recipe of the week are available at StadtFarm. Either in our vegetable box subscription or in our farm store. There you can also find our fresh fish products from sustainable AquaTerraPonik© and many delicious products from our partners in Berlin and Brandenburg.

Recipe of the week for you as download

Would you also like to  become part of a sustainable movement? Register here for your veggie box:  Gemüsebox subscription
